I'm writing this morning accompanied by the crow of roosters and whinny of horses in Cuidad Constitution at Manfred's RV Park. This park used to be owned by Manfred and his wife who were Danish and they grew every kind of tree and catus they could get their hands on. The first year we came through in 2003, I had brought with me a camphor tree. I'm not sure what the special attachment was to the tree but it was at this point in our trip that I decided to leave my camphor behind to grow among the diversity of trees in this park. We found my camphor tree last night and she grew to be so big. We pulled some of her leaves and broke them in half and enjoyed the fragrance and the memory of our first passing through here together.
Our first day in Mexico was Sunday, crossing at the Tecate border. I was estatic. I had forgotten how simple life was here. My eyes enjoyed the people, the music, the smells, the dust and the simplicity of life for those who live here. First day we traveled to El Rosario, second day to Vizcanio and third to Constitution. Today we provision and head to Conejo, 130 miles on the main road and 10 on a graded dirt road. No more electricity or water from a spiget but instead we'll have miles of coast and mas olas. "Evie" has run like a champ!! There were multiple reasons for naming our motor home after my mom and some of them were putting my mothers characteristics of being stubborn as a mule and her desire to always finish well onto this vehicle that would carry us across the United States and 800 miles down the Baja peninsula securely and safely.
The high southern desert is lush and green this year... stunning. The tamales are as good as always as was the traditional breakfast of huevos ranchos in Catavina. Vaya con Dios