It has been interesting these past few weeks as we get our gear staged and the last minute details finished on Evie how many social events we've participated in. I think Robert and I have had more company in these past few weeks than we've had in the past year. Invariably we get the question "Are you excited about your trip?" And in our honesty, we consistently answer "No, not yet." Thereupon, in our private conversations we explore why we don't. For one we think it's because these trips entail so much planning and work beforehand. It isn't just driving a motorhome across the country but it is also driving the motorhome into Mexico where you may not have electricity, you dont' have AAA to bail you out and you don't have the network of family and friends to assist in challenges that come across your path. A time also when your faith in God is truly tested. So not only are you planning for the unknown, which is impossible, but you are doing your girl and boy scout best to be prepared. What foods can I prepare that are healthy and store well. What tools can Robert bring that are reasonable. What boards to bring, wax, leash, repair kits, fins... Passports, tourist cards, insurance... extra batteries... Then there is the home and how you leave it for two plus months. Billpay, yard maintenance, animal care etc. "Are you excited about the trip?" I was asked again last night as I had dinner with my two sons and their gf's and again my answer was not yet. "Then why are you going?" I'm asked. And when I thought about that, the why am I going started rolling over in my mind and it must have cooked all night. It was the morning after that upon rising and sipping my coffee as the sun rose that I imagined a Baja morning spread out in front of me. A day filled with the sights and smells of Baja, days filled with my best friend Robert by my side with no work to separate us, only a life that is simple and filled with surf, real surf, and like-minded people who do these things because we love not only surfing but the surfing lifestyle and then finally it happened, I got excited about our trip. Evie pulls out Monday and my baby gets home today!
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